Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
if there really exists a god,and if he really does have all the powers he is supposed to have,and if he really is that great as he is supposed to be,then he is terrible and mean.cruel.perverse.sadistic.if he is who he is,then he has no right to make us unhappy.he has no right to take from us what he has given.its almost 7 months.i dont know how,why im still living.god should properly call me to him too,i dont deserve to live.there are so many other people,beautiful people,who really deserve to be here,amongst the things they love and the people who care genuinely for them.that mean bastard we call god had no right to take my brother away from right to make my family so ensure that no happiness will ever be what it is,because such an integral part of me,us,our lives has gone.not a day goes by without thinking what if.i hate myself.couldnt i have done something?couldnt i have just come up with anything and stopped him from going that day?couldnt i have called up that day,just to ask him how everything was going?things could have been so much much different.
every single day i think,he'd have liked this.he'd have laughed at that.he'd have hugged me for that.he'd have called me a stupid chicky chick,a pig for something.he'd have been proud of me.but ill never know.never.there are so many things i need him for.what am i going to do?what is he doing up there?he should have been home now,back from a tiring day at work,back from a hang-out session with friends.playing the guitar,talking to a friend.studying,anything.he should have been here.why is he not here?
how do i tell anyone what im going through?the only person who would understand isnt here.if he had been here,i wouldnt go through all this.i would have been just another person,complaining about the trivial things in life.why did the world have to turn upside down?why couldnt i just have him back?why do we always end up appreciating things only when they are not within our reach anymore?
every minute is a am i going to survive?i want dada back.i want the biggest pig back in my life?dont miracles happen to people like me?what did i do that he got this?that mom and dad got this?where did i go wrong?
i go to his room,and there are so many memories.what saddens me is not the memories,its the thing that ill never be able to make new memories there again.
if there's one thing i could change.i know what i want.its dada.
i miss you.
i love you.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
desperation,angst and misery
feel marred,chokhed.dont know what to do.drained of everything...theres not a day gone by that i havent cried.
odies changed things,but there are some parts of life that even he cant penetrate through...people i trusted the most have left me,and i feel so handicapped...
god help me.
Monday, February 23, 2009
क्यों रहते हैं हम किसी बंधन में?
क्यों चुपचाप सहते हैं यह तन्हाई?
क्यों समझते हैं अपने आपको
अकेला इस भीड़ भरी दुनिया में?
क्यों रहते हैं किसी डर में?
क्यों तस्सली देते हैं दुसरो को
जब ख़ुद घुट घुट कर मरते हैं?
क्यों होती हैं चेहरे पर मुस्कान
जब आत्मा रोती है?
क्यों कहते है किसी को अपना
जब उनसे ही फेर लेते हैं हर एहसास को?
क्यों रहते हैं किसी से पराये
जब जी चाहता है उनके करीब रहने को?
क्यों रहते हैं झिजक में
जब दिल उड़ने के ख्वाहिश रखता है?
क्यों मन को समझाते हैं
जब हर सापना टूट जाता है?
क्यों नही करते पूरा हर मन चाहे
जिससे खुशी मिल जाए?
क्यों देते रहते हैं अपना बलिदान
ताकि किसी और को कुछ सुख मिल जाए?
क्यों सोचते हैं की कोई नही है समझनेवाला,
कोई नही है जिस पे कुछ ऐसा बीता होगा?
क्यों अचानक से ये बंजारापन achcha लगने लगता है?
क्यों तोड़ना हर वो प्यारा रिश्ता अच्छा लगने लगता है?
कयु टूटता नही ये ग़म से रिश्ता?
क्यों बांटेते हैं खुशी हर किसी के साथपर दुःख के स्वार्थी हो जाते हैं?
क्यों लगने लगती है ज़िन्दगी अधूरी?
क्यों हर सफर कभी पूरा नही होता?
क्यों परदे के पीछे रहना पसंद हो जाता है?
क्यू किसी से नज़र मिलाना मुश्किल हो जाता है?
क्यों पूजते हैं किसी भगवन को
ताकि मन्नते पूरी हो जाए?
क्यों धिक्कारते हैं उसी ईश्वर को
जब सब चीन लिया जाए?
क्यों रोता है ये मन?
क्यों सँभालते नही हैं हम?
क्यों बनाते हैं मुश्किल इस छोटे जीवन को?
क्यों नही समझते हर इस बीतते लम्हे के महत्त्व को?
just a few thoughts that came to me one day...