Saturday, March 26, 2011

On Hoping.

March 16,2011

Hope. It’s a strange thing. It makes you believe. Believe in something, just making you pray that luck favours you. And you believe so hard, so much, for so long, that after a period of time, you give up. Because the future is not that close. Because although you keep the light at the end of the tunnel on your mind,  it seems as if the long way to that light will never end. So you build up your defences. Decide that its you on your own, abandon faith, move on. You prepare for the worst or the best – whatever comes your way. You just stop believing in miracles and just divert all your energy in simply fighting the battle, whatever’s thrown your way.And you don’t even seem to be doing all that badly. You’ve lowered your expectations, how much worse and lowly can things get?
And then wham. Hope hits you. Hard. In the gut. Takes you down, takes the breath out of you, shakes the ground you fall on.
And still manages to take you by surprise.
And makes you happy.
Somethings are best when they disappoint you the most. And then turn around to make your world a happier place.

Hope is at its best when its given up on.
Hope. Give up. And then start believing again.
Let it convince you why somethings are worth the sadness,the long wait and the anxiety. Hope.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope is a good thing. And good things never die. - The Shawshank Redemption :)