Monday, September 6, 2010

whats been

So what's been going on lately?

Photography - It's mostly been on a standstill because I've been a bit busy and the screen seems to be a bit screwed - which I need to get checked *mental note*
Studies  - Haha,very funny.Next thing please.
Debating Matters 2010  - We made it through the first round!whoopay!cheers to us :)
We next go for the regional finals to Mumbai.Got our topics/motions today.They've already decided our stance on it.They provide us with topic guides - which basically outline the scope of the deabte.In the regional finals,to be held on 27th September,there will be three rounds.If we manage to pass all,and win the regional finals,we go to Chennai for national finals.And if we qualify THAT,we go to London,baby :D *fingers crossed and hopes raised*
Social life - friends have found a new bakra(scapegoat) to tease me with.hope the phase passes soon because Im still in two minds about whether I like him,or don't.Was Amrita's birthday today,so yay!Happy Birthday to a special friend.Had fun at her birthday celebration today.
MUN - Problem,problems.One big headache.Research is extensive and hell redefined.But its fun.And its a bloody brilliant opportunity,so I'm not really complaining.Team members are highly uncooperative and are eating a lot of bhaav,which is mightily pissing off,because THEY were the ones to arrive late on the scene.
Reading - The Godfather by Mario Puzo.I get what the hype and love about it is.
Health - Have been eating out.*I am!*Haven't been eating the 6 meals that I should be eating,and not been eating at the right time.Forgetting to eat my medicines at the right time.Not been going for my as-such-almost-regular walks.(though hey,I cycled for a half hour yesterday,so that's good!).Must be back on the good track,and MUST stop sinning.
Will soon read - Sigmund Freud's 'The Interpretation of Dreams'.
and....that's all I can think of right now.And I must sleep.
Sigh.The misery of it all.

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